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Taizhou hoisting machinery network supervision system in trial operation to minimize casualties
      Yesterday, Taizhou City Construction Engineering Quality Supervision Station to lead the development of our city hoisting machinery network supervision system began trial operation. The system allows for the lifting machinery and equipment safety supervision undertake aggrandizement, gradually reduce the casualties accident probability.
      Crane tower crane, construction lifts, including material lifting machine, at the construction site often need to use, casualty accidents have also occurred. At present, construction lifting equipment itself exists potential safety hazard. In addition, the use and management of lifting machinery and equipment of the process is dynamic, time, personnel, business equipment and machinery, new models are constantly changing, it is difficult to control.
      Lifting machinery supervision network system, each lifting machinery to include property record information, term of use related information to register online, also can be used for online registration corresponding to the project, and the integration of real-time monitoring system of tower crane, tower crane can be directly on the operation of real time online monitoring.
      Once the device using a period of validity expires, the system will automatically reject in the online processing installation notice, the use of registration procedures. Registration procedures for use, registration required documents from the test on the test validity, is still used in the automatic alarm.
      Network supervision system, will also establish a lifting machinery and special operations personnel database, all lifting special operations personnel documented reviewed before storage, warehousing to posts. Each lifting machinery in the online registration of special operations personnel from the system control cannot cross lifting operations, special operations personnel change also should handle online change procedures.
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